Friday, July 15, 2011

First Stop - The Maritimes

I know it's not Europe, but we're going in the right direction. The beginning of our adventure starts in Atlantic Canada to spend time with the MacInnis'. The 5 of us descended on Grammie and Grampie at the end of June and the weather was lovely. We soaked up some much needed sunshine with days spent on the beach in Cape Breton. Calvin and I celebrated our 15th year anniversary on July 6th with a nice dinner
(yes, just the 2 of us) in Sydney at a great new restaurant, AMEDEO ITALIAN BISTRO. Then off to the Casino for a few rounds on the slot machines and black jack table. We weren't very lucky but we enjoyed our night together. Lobster season down here so we had a big feed of them  another night. Calvin taught the boys how to crack the shells which meant that we sat down to a  bowl of lobster meat...quite a luxury !

 After a week or so in Cape Breton we headed to PEI. I have been there a couple of times before and Calvin, many times of course but the first time for the boys. We drove to Cariboo Nova Scotia and took a ferry over to Woods Island PEI. We stayed at a great motel in Cavendish, the Silverwood (thanks for the recommendation Grace - we loved it !) with an awesome pool and a large field for football. Our second day in we drove to the airport and picked up Nana Greta so she could spend the next 4 nights with us. The sunset on Cavendish beach is spectacular, bright pink and HUGE. The boys chose to spend their time diving off the sand dune cliffs over and over and over. What do most grandmothers want to do when they start their holiday ? Shopping ? Relax on the beach ? Not Nana Greta, her preference was a tattoo...that's right a tattoo. So off we went to the local tattoo shop and picked out the most beautiful dragonfly, made the appointment for the next day and that was that. Next day , Nana was inked up ! Her dragonfly is on her shoulder and really a beautiful work of art. She didn't flinch or cry,  or anything so I thought hmmm...can't be outdone by my Mom so made my appointment as well. I went through with it while Mom and Noah sat with me for moral support. Well I did flinch and I must have kicked buddy about 20 times. It burned !! Is my mother an alien or what ? I am now the proud owner of 3 daisies on my right lower leg. Happy I did it but still a little shocked when I look down.

We are back in Cape Breton and tonight is the annual Strawberry Supper at the church. It has been going on for as long as Grammie can remember and we have been 3 times when visiting in the past. Noah, Aidan, Aunt Helen , Grammie and I went over to the church last night and hulled about 8 flats of berries. We will go over tonight and have ham, potatoe salad,homemade biscuits and strawberry shortcake with the rest of the community. So very different for this city girl but I love it. Two more sleeps until we leave for Spain !

Adios amigos  


  1. The vacation must be awesome.Spencer

  2. I just checked and it's 4:15 am in Barcelona tomorrow our time and thinking how different the stars and air is where you are sleeping at this moment. I'm still so excited for you all!


  3. Hey, it's 10:20 not 7:20! Is this posting BC time?

  4. I can't tell you how in awe I am of you and your MOM for getting tattoos!!! Can't wait to see your sweet daisies.

  5. Claudia: I am reading your blog everyday and I am very impressed with you writing as well Dee. What a trip you are having. Say hi to all. Love Claudia

  6. What a great adventure for you all, I enjoy following along.

    Luv Gladys

  7. Noah Aidan and Devin are the best kids in the world

    p.s. this is not from Aidan Noah and Devin
